Doh Kihyun

Quiet intern

A Yanxian boy navigating Eorzea and the world of aetherology.


Name: Doh Kihyun (though in Eorzean, his given name is Kihyun and Doh is his family name)
Nicknames: Ki (Kee)
Age: Early 20s
Gender: Cis male
Residence: Ul'dah
Birthplace: A small settlement in Yanxia
Occupation: Intern
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140 lbs
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Questioning
Languages: Doman, Common, Garlean, Mhachi


  • Aetherically strong feeling

  • Quiet and fairly formal in demeanor

  • Aether is ice aspected

  • Might have been seen around the thaumaturge's guild

  • Parents are Gleaners.

  • Can speak Garlean fluently

  • Interested in thaumaturgy

  • Intersted in ninjutsu

  • If you're interested in interacting with Kihyun and don't have a hook, just /tell me. I'll come up with something!


Faceclaim: Kim Jongin


Long time RPer with far too many characters. I prefer to RP in game over anywhere else. I am up for all types of RP, including violence, darker themes, and erotic, but it has to make sense in the story for my character and come about organically.I love going to events, but also enjoy one-on-one RP. While I am happy to do one-off scenes, I do really enjoy developing my characters through interactions they have with others over a period of time. I would rather not RP with anyone who is oocly under 18.I am based in England and tend to RP at GMT-friendly times. That being said I regularly stay up on weekends and holidays to RP with my NA friends.